Strip Drive Front 是一款高度通用的 LED 騎乘燈,亮度高達 400 流明。它採用輕質防水設計和耐用的共模鏡頭/機身結構。其獨特的空氣動力學和圓桿兼容背面可以安裝到許多奇怪的形狀和尺寸。它具有內建側面可視性的增強鏡頭和五個高輸出 LED。整合的無線 USB 記憶棒讓充電變得簡單,Strip Drive Front 單次充電可運作長達 21.5 小時。
What happens when you join the 10k+ happy Huckleberry Customers
order your bike
When your order your bike on our site, it notifies us at the shop.
Day 1
We'll build it and put it in a box
After you place your order, we'll build your bike – so you don't have to. Derailleurs, brakes, and every bolt is adjusted properly. From there, it's time to ship.
Day 2
Your new bike arrives at your door
We ship new bikes 95% assembled.
It takes 3 simple steps to get your bike rolling: 1. Mount the front wheel. 2. Attach the handlebars. 3. Put on the pedals
Day 4-9
It's time to get rolling. You have a new bike to ride.